Monday, July 14, 2014

Challenge #11 - Tag, You're It!

It's time to try my hand again over at Craft Hoarders Anonymous. Gloria and the Design Team have wonderful inspiration pieces, and you can see all of these tags, tagging along, here.

Every once in a while, I change gears in my crafting life. When my paper creations are not so creative, I take a break from them, and for the last few weeks, that means I've been mucking about with fabric, specifically, some version of fabric postcards.

Tags are one of my most favorite formats for mucking about.  (If my experiment fails, no biggie; if it works, there's another tag to use.) Just so happens, that with my embroidery, I was experimenting with seam binding and (drum roll please), my Spectrum Noir markers. My craft expense account is not huge, so both a roll of white (or off white) Hug Snug seam binding, and Spectrum Noir markers (you can buy them in six packs and make a large starter set without selling the farm or any animals you happen to have on it), are right up my alley.

The test: Can rayon seam binding be used instead of silk, for ribbon embroidery? What do you think? The rose in the lower right hand corner is silk, and the other two are the seam binding.

Well, the seam binding isn't quite as fluid as the silk, but I really like the result, and I LOVE the affordability.  Here's where the markers come in. After I completed the two spider web roses, I took a Q-tip soaked with alcohol, slathered the seam binding roses until they were "wet", and touched my Spectrum Noir markers to the ribbon, here and there, making sure the center of the flower was the deepest hue. (You could also do this alteration to the seam binding before doing the embroidery. A flat paintbrush loaded with alcohol, or simply soaking the ribbon in alcohol, would be the best way to go here. Then add as much, and as many colors and variations as you like with the markers.)

Well, now I'm back to playing with paper for a while, and hope that my fabric entry is in keeping with the rules of the CHACB. One last note: The "spider web rose" is very easy to make, and it is wonderful on all manner of paper art. You only need a base material that can have a needle pass though it, thread, and ribbon. The larger the rose, the wider the ribbon should be, and the more flexible the ribbon, the more natural it will look. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask. Hopefully, there is a "seam binding rose of many colors" in your future too. Thanks for visiting.


  1. Marcie....this is stunning! I love the stitching you did with seam binding.the tiny white buds are amazing ! You know I love this! This is a for sure treasure...
    I don't see it linked up over at Tag You're It!

  2. Your tag is absolutely gorgeous. My mouth dropped open and there was a big oh came out! Love the stitching and the seam binding is so creative. Also love the way you shaded the seam binding with the markers. Thanks so much for joining us at Craft Hoarders Anonymous!

  3. Oh my, Marcie...This is gorgeous!!! Such a beautiful and delicate little spray you've put together! And I really love the subtle variation in both the ribbon texture AND the just could NOT look prettier! I applaud your creativity with the ribbon and certainly got beautiful results! (And to have it all on a soft little tag...just makes it extra sweet!!!) Beautiful, BEAUTIFUL work, my dear!!!

  4. OMG!!!! This is gorgeous Marcie...honestly, the most interesting and elegant tag I have ever seen! I love the stitching and those beautiful rolled flowers. This is way too beautiful to tie onto anything and give have to display it in your craft room!

  5. Gorgeous work! Thanks for joining us at Craft Hoarders Anonymous!

  6. OMGosh...I absolutely LOVE this!!!!! Thanks for joining us at Craft Hoarders!!

  7. Well you sure know how to make a tag that goes the extra mile! This is so fantastic I am not sure I have enough adjectives to describe it! I love the burlap-y tag with those soft and pretty flowers! You so totally rock! I mean....just wow! And yes, it fits the rules! ;) Thanks so much for playing along with us a Craft Hoarders Anonymous!

  8. Wow what an awesome tag, love the fabric and the flowers! So glad you joined us at Craft Hoarders Anonymous. ~Diane GDT

  9. Wow...I am in awe of your tag and love all the details, your flowers are amazing. Thanks for joining us at Craft Hoarders Anonymous!

  10. This is amazing on so many levels! I just love that you made a cloth tag, but then to add those gorgeous embroidered roses...oh, my! Your experiment was a complete success! Love, love, love this! Thanks for joining us at Craft Hoarders Anonymous Challenge 11!

  11. Oh my. . .this is a gorgeous tag and so clever. LOVE your embroidered roses and love the pairing of the rayon seam binding and silk ribbon. So much wonderful texture! Love your little tag stand as well! Nice way to repurpose! Thanks for sharing your hoard with us at Craft Hoarders Anonymous!

  12. Please contact me if you wish to guest DT for Craft Hoarders.
