Saturday, May 24, 2014

CHACB - Challenge #8 - Show Us Some Metal or Glass

Chances are you are coming here from the Craft Hoarders Anonymous Challenge Blog - Challenge #8. Thanks for visiting, and I hope you will leave me a comment because there are a couple of questions I'd love savvy answers to.

I've been following the fabulous Gloria Stengel for quite a while, and this new venture is so exciting. The talent displayed by the DT and participants just blows my socks away, and it's taking some guts on my part to add my entry among your projects.

Fresh water pearls and gold stitching on background.
Let me ask my two questions now, so if you have any ideas, they can percolate while you're perusing. Normally, I would finish off a fabric postcard by adding a ribbon or buttonhole stitching, etc. around the sides. If this were your project, would you bind it, and if so, what might you use as a "frame"? And second, I have a small grease spot transferred from my embroidery hoop (residue from a label?) and I tried powder to remove it, but no luck. It was too late to start again, and the lace is about 100 years old. Any ideas on how to remove it?

Detail of metal butterfly and beads.
This fabric postcard grew out of wanting to use ribbon in a unique way. (Remind you of the last challenge on this blog? Yep, I'm that late!) I also wanted to use my gold butterfly and gold beads too, which satisfies this week's challenge of using metal.

These ribbons are large enough (NOT embroidery sized), that I needed to find new ways to help them pass through my fabric base. If anyone is interested, I would love offer more details about my journey with this technique. Pretty much it is like silk ribbon embroidery, but special consideration should be given to the background chosen, and opening areas for the ribbon to pass through.

One inch wide light-weight ribbon forms the flower head.
I bonded my 100 year old lace (the backing of the lovely but faded, pillow front) in the picture below.
Some of the supplies I used on top of the lovely (very old) lace pillow that adorns the background.
These unbelievably small cross stitched flowers are on the pillow front. Doesn't it just blow the mind how diligent artisans can be?!
This stitched flower center is just over an inch wide!
My gold stem stitching is a bit off because I was not able to see well enough on our dour rainy days. (Yes, I did put on the light...not good enough.... or my eyes are starting to get old along with the rest of me.) I will blame the grey weather for the lighting in my pictures though!

Here I have my grease spot circled. Your answer? "I don't think that grease spot makes your hips look big."
Now it's your turn if you have any helpful suggestions about spot removal, finishing the frame, or any other comments. Thank you so much for visiting and  sharing your thoughts. Learning from other artists is just "the berries". Now I'm off to see all of your takes on the challenge, and be wowed.

I'm updating this post to include a picture of this postcard framed by a beaded picot edge. 

Many thanks to those of you who suggested this might look better with some sort of frame around it. I AGREE!



  1. this is so pretty!! Thanks so much for sharing with us at Craft Hoarders!!

  2. What an amazing piece. I love your ribbon work and that gold butterfly is just gorgeous! Thanks for joining us at Craft Hoarders Anonymous!

  3. This is beautiful! If it was mine I would probably do buttonhole stitching around the edges.
    As for the grease spot, until you pointed it out I couldn't even see it.
    Thanks for sharing with us at Craft Hoarders Anon :)

  4. OMG, Marcie! That flower is spectacular! Truly amazing!
    Thanks for the blog luv! :-D
    Hugs, Cathy

  5. OMG, Marcie!
    That flower is spectacular! Truly amazing!
    Thanks for the blog luv, btw! :-D

  6. So creative and pretty! Thanks for joining us at Craft Hoarders Anonymous!

  7. Oh my gosh! This is such a beautiful project , I love what you have done with the ribbon. I can not really see the spot. I have no answers for you either, because I have a spot on a lace top and I could not even get it out with peroxide or bleach. This is Gorgeous Marcia! Nice to see you post your beautiful work.

  8. You're right, the grease spot does not make my hips loook big (or yours either for that matter! ;-) ) Seriously though, this is an amazing work of art! Beautiful use of the ribbons and that metallic thread. . .the micro cross stitching is pretty amazing, but yours equally so! Thanks for sharing your style with us at Craft Hoarders Anonymous!

  9. I don't mind the grease spot at all. The lace is vintage..and stuff happens over the years. I think it just adds to the whole vintage vibe of this very pretty piece. I probably would stitch around the edges just to frame your ribbon flowers, but it is lovely just as it stands. Thanks for joining us at Craft Hoarders Anonymous Challenge #8: Metal or Glass!

  10. Beautiful project. Thanks for joining us at Craft Hoarders Anonymous!

  11. Beautiful project, I love all he details and what a fabulous keepsake...glad you are sharing with us on the Craft Hoarders Anonymous Challenge Blog

  12. First, I love the project. It looks vintage and old and just wonderful. I have no idea about the grease spot, so that's a bummer. As to the frame, I would find some sort of fancy wood or resin frame that you can make look old and distressed for this beauty! Thanks for joining us at Craft Hoarders Anonymous!

  13. I love this project! The flower looks beautiful. So sorry I do not have answers to your questions but that 100 year old lace is amazing.

  14. Love your prject, itlooks perfect the way it is to me, but I suppose you could use biasblinding or buttons or ribbon to frame it. I'm thinking any thing that might remove the greese spot might leave another mark on the lovely lace. Thank you very much for visiting my blog and for your lovely comments too!


  15. PS Thanks for your wonderful comments on my Good Ol' Sport mini album. I appreciate it so much!

  16. This is a great take on the Metal or Glass Challenge at Craft Hoarders Anonymous Challenge Blog. Thanks so much for playing along! Hugs from Ginny at Polly's Paper Studio!

  17. WOW, this is simply gorgeous! I love the pretty colors!
    (Thanks for the sweet comment on my blog.)

  18. Oh my stars am I glad I stumbled upon your blog. This is such a beautiful project. It speaks to my shabby loving heart! Although I am an eclectic crafter, my favorite cards/projects to make are vintage shabby ones. Once again! Stunning!
