Thursday, September 25, 2014

Free Halloween Bingo Cards to Download - Part 3

Welcome to day three of posting some Halloween Bingo cards I've made recently. I'll start off with a sample using one of these cards, and further down this post, you'll find four of the cards that I debuted yesterday, in their single card formats.

Cat in Pumpkin

Above card's inside, finished a la Gloria Stengle

Here are the large size images of some of the HALLOWEEN BINGO cards that I used in projects on day one. (For bingo cards ranked up four and six to a page (easy printing if you want variety), see that post here.

Right click on the images below to save. All images are JPEG files. The credit for the images and fonts used are listed below each. 
The following four cards were built on a card found on CollageCandy.blogspot where you can find unaltered BINGO cards.

* Old Design Shop*
* Cruickshank Font *
* The Gingerbread House Font *
Word "Scary"

* Cruikshank Font *
* Cats Alphabet Medium *
Word "Kitty"

Word "Treat" (bolded)
Bat (altered)

Cat on Pumpkin
 Arched Cat
Word "Witch"

If you would like to try your own hand at creating BINGO cards, here is the blank version I created and used for the four cards above.

For three more Bingo cards, see the previous post here.

Hope you enjoy using these as much as I enjoyed making them. Please leave a comment if you find these useful, and would like some more for Christmas or other holidays. As always, thanks for taking the time to visit.


  1. Hi Marcie! You are so very talented! I love your own version of the bingo card! Thank you for making it available..... can’t wait to try something. Your card is absolutely adorable! I love that black cat and pumpkin and the images remind me of my childhood. I loved Halloween , because of all the fun images and still do.
    I appreciate you and our blog friendship . God Bless!

  2. Thank you for being so generous with your cards!

  3. Love this idea as well! Will it be difficult to edit?

  4. These are fun, thanks for sharing them! xoxo

  5. Wonderful project. Thank you for sharing
