Monday, February 3, 2014

Anything But a Card Challenge - RRR#88

Over at Really Reasonable Ribbon they are having a challenge to make 'anything but a card' using ribbons and trims. (Since my couch made from ribbons is out at the dry cleaners at the moment, I decided to share one of my smaller projects.) This heart seems timely with Valentine's Day close at hand.

 I fell in love with fabric postcards the first time I was given one by a friend. The postcard is basically a fabric sandwich with a stiff filling. This makes it very easy to embellish to the hilt, while having a 'canvas' that doesn't collapse under the weight.

A narrow red trim covers the boundary between the two background fabrics. (My trim wobbles a bit since I chose to sew it on, rather than use glue.)

The leaves and other bits of greenery are made from 7mm (about 1/4") silk ribbon. Any very soft narrow ribbon can be used for ribbon embroidery; it just needs to go on a needle and be able to be pulled through the fabric 'sandwich'. Sequins, beads of glass and brass, invisible thread, and embroidery floss, finish off the composition.

For more fun, visit Really Reasonable Ribbon's blog to see what their designers, and other folks, have made. If you enjoyed seeing a fabric postcard, please leave a comment. I'd love to share more, if there is an interest. (OK. More than just the ones I shared for this challenge.)

P.S. If you like fabric postcards with a holiday theme, you might enjoy my Easter egg cards here.


  1. Well, I've never heard of a fabric postcard, but what a keepsake!!! It's gorgeous! I LOVE the silk ribbon, and there was a time that I loved working with it and JoAnne's would have tons to choose from. I have a jacket I embellished with it that I was so proud've inspired me to share it sometime. Sad that trend is gone...(maybe you and I could revive it???;)'s so expensive now and much harder to find. I have a little left that I tend to hoard;) LOVE this folksy design and all its beautiful detail...SO pretty against the black, too! Thanks for sharing, Marcie!

  2. Wow another amazing project. What a postcard! Love all the gorgeous ribbon leaves and flowers. The tinny details ...beads sequins etc are just so fun to look at. Can't wait to check out the Easter cards. Thanks for sharing this amazing postcard Marcie...hugs!

  3. I love how you used the ribbon for your leaves...I have been wanting to do some ribbon embroidery. Love your hearts too!!
    Thank you for playing at Really Reasonable Ribbon!!
